DonAgro: International Research Conference on Challenges and Advances in Farming, Food Manufacturing, Agricultural Research and Education

KnE Life Sciences / DonAgro: International Research Conference on Challenges and Advances in Farming, Food Manufacturing, Agricultural Research and Education

This collection contains selected papers from the international research conference on Challenges and Advances in Farming, Food Manufacturing, Agricultural Research and Education held in Rostov, Russia on the 17th–19th of June 2020. This event was hosted by the Don State Agrarian University, Persianovskiy, Russia.

The purpose of the conference was to examine and consider modern perspectives, contemporary problems, and the latest innovative technology and practices in the production and processing of crop and livestock products.

This KnE Life Sciences collection contains 106 peer-reviewed papers. Topics include: the impact of fertilizer regimens, sowing patterns, selection, and other agricultural practices on crop development and growth, and how to adapt agricultural techniques for different climatic conditions; the efficiency of novel feeding practices and breeding strategies in increasing the productivity and quality of livestock and their products; and the epidemiology and treatment of animal diseases and plant pests.

These papers will be of interest to academics, students and professionals researching or working on increasing farming efficiency via the application of biotechnologies or engineering solutions.

Conference date: 17–19 June 2020
Rajon, Russia
Don State Agrarian University, Persianovskiy, Russia
5 April 2021