Influence of a Feed Additive in the Carp Diet on its Exterior Parameters


During fish farming, significant attention should be paid not only to the quantity, but also to the quality of marketable carp, primarily its physiological condition and high adaptive plasticity. Recently, increasing importance is attached to fish farming by industrial methods using various types of feed. A characteristic feature is the almost complete absence of natural food organisms. Significant success has been achieved in the creation of various starter compound feeds that can replace live feed when the larvae switch to exogenous nutrition [1]. During the development of artificial rations, attention was paid to the balance of basic structural elements of nutrition and, to a lesser extent, to various biologically active substances. For the majority of farmed fish, the need for protein and essential amino acids, fat and certain fatty acids, carbon and minerals has been established, on the basis of which, starter and production feeds, as well as various vitamin and mineral premixes, were developed [2]. However, natural food contains a wider range of biologically active components that are the regulators of many metabolic processes of body. Therefore, live food in fish nutrition, even in small proportion, can supplement the energy components of artificial feed and thereby significantly increase the balance of the diet [3].

Keywords: aquaculture, probiotic, exterior, aquatic organisms, bacteria, fatness ratio, diet

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