Vascular Disaggregated Platelet Control in Newborn Piglets


The balance of platelet and vascular functions clearly determines the functioning of primary hemostasis in the piglet’s body. This is of particular physiological importance at the beginning of piglet ontogenesis. The degree of functional readiness of platelets and blood vessels in piglets during the neonatal period determines the state of blood microcirculation in tissues and the activity of many functional mechanisms at this stage of development. The activity of the disaggregation properties of blood vessels, which significantly determines the intensity of anabolism and, ultimately, the productivity of animals, is particularly important at this age. This study examined 31 healthy newborn piglets. A decrease in the amount of peroxidation products was found in the blood of all animals due to an increase in the antioxidant potential of their plasma, which created conditions in newborn piglets for weak alteration of the vascular endothelium and its optimal synthetic activity. This led to an increase in the vascular control over the platelet aggregation activity, maintaining the optimal blood flow in microvessels from the beginning of individual development.

Keywords: piglets, neonatal phase, blood vessels, platelets, aggregation, lipid peroxidation

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