Relative Variability in Signs of Reproductive Fitness of Pigs


Studies of relative variability make it possible to forecast the future. The equations of rectilinear and multiple regression make it possible to determine a productive indicator by indirectly evaluating correlatively related features. We developed mathematical modelson the relative variability in the signs of reproductive fitness of pigs in the breeding factories of the North Caucasus: “Ventsy-Zarya”, “Gulkevichsky”, “Kavkaz” and “Zarya” of the Krasnodar Territory, “Rossiya” of the Stavropol Territory, and “Rossiya” of the Rostov region. We analyzed the correlations of reproductive fitness in these breeding farms to determine a reliable and objective assessment of cause-andeffectdependencies, and the values, nature and direction of their action. Significant differences were established between the nature of relations in various breeding farms; however, their action vectorscoincided. The models we developed take into account all of the processes occurring in the population under the influence of tribal selectionand can be used in the planning of breeding measures.

Keywords: pig breeding, relative variability, correlation, regression, breeding index

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