2021 Annual Conference of Indonesian Association for Public Administration

KnE Social Sciences / 2021 Annual Conference of Indonesian Association for Public Administration

This collection contains selected papers from the international research conference 2021 Annual Conference of Indonesian Association for Public Administration (IAPA 2021) held in Surakarta, Indonesia on October 27th 2021. This event was hosted through a collaboration between the Indonesian Association for Public Administration and Faculty of Social and Political Science, Universitas Sebelas Maret, Indonesia.

This conference was held to discuss recent ideas, evidence and issues on the intersection of the use of IT advances and public administration in a changing world. The conference considered a range of perspectives, from governance to gender, and situated the discussions with the context of the COVID-19 pandemic.

This KnE Social Sciences collection contains 61 peer-reviewed papers on governance and public policy. One of the main areas examined by the researchers is the implementation of technology for electronic public services. Other researchers evaluate government policy responses to COVID-19 from restrictions to support for particular populations and elements of the economy. Further studies consider topics ranging from disaster preparedness and communication and media strategies, to developing cultural and eco-tourism and tax system reforms. A major theme discussed is efforts to work towards fulfilling the Sustainable Development Goals, through programmes that aim to alleviate poverty, empower communities, implement inclusive education, improve food security and promote a sustainable environment.

These papers will be of interest to academics, students or professionals researching or working on IT advances and technology adoption, public administration, public policy and political sciences, governance, economics, development, sociology, communications, education and public health.

Conference date: 27 October 2021
Location: Surakarta, Indonesia
Organizer: Indonesian Association for Public Administration and Faculty of Social and Political Science, Universitas Sebelas Maret, Indonesia
Senior Editor: Bevaola Kusumasari
Chief Editor: Rino A. Nugroho
Editors: Septyanto G. Prakoso, Alex Brilliantes, Lili Pang
Published: 15 March 2022
ISSN: 2518-668X