Implementation of E-Government Policies in Bali


The advancement of information technology has led to opportunities for better, more accountable, faster and more satisfying bureaucratic services. Governments can promote prosperity for the people by providing facilities or services, for example making a website so that the public can access information with ease. The impact of globalization can be seen from the inclusion of various technologies capable of supporting the procedures and functions of various elements of the government. The Government of Bali Province applies and facilitates e-government in carrying out its government affairs. The Office of Communication, Information and Statistics of Bali Province began implementing e-government services in 2016 following the Law no. 11 of 2001 concerning Information and Electronic Transactions and Law no. 14 of 2008 concerning openness of public information. The Governor of Bali Province regulation number 102 of 2016 stated that the Office of Communication, Information and Statistics of Bali Province has the task of helping the Governor to carry out deconcentration tasks, which are led by a Head of Service, who is under and responsible to the Governor through the Regional Secretary.

Keywords: implementation of policies, e-government, public services

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