The economic and social changes in recent years are reflected in the topics of the annual conference, “Economies of the Balkan and Eastern European Countries” (EBEEC). The issues of the economic crisis, along with its effects on the European economies and societies, especially in the Southeastern Europe, and the problems in the banking sector as well as in the sphere of finance are the main concerns of the scientists who participate in the conference and wish to express their views on these issues. EBEEC has managed to establish itself as a major scientific event in the academia of the broader region covered by the scope of the conference, and it is an essential forum for discussing the economic and social developments in Southeastern Europe. The conference has become a benchmark for any scientist who wants to keep in track with economic developments in the region, to form an opinion about current scientific knowledge, and also to get insight into the policies implemented or those that should be applied to improve the economic conditions in individual economies. More than 150 papers were presented in EBEEC 2019 in Bucharest, Romania from several countries. The papers published in this volume have been chosen by the scientific committee of the conference and a blind review process was followed. Macroeconomics, econometrics, finance, banking, accounting, marketing, management, and information systems are a few topics of the papers included in this volume.
Conference date: 10–12 May 2019
Location: Bucharest, Romania
Editors: Persefoni Polychronidou (International Hellenic University, Greece), Alexandra Horobet (Bucharest University of Economic Studies, Romania), Anastasios Karasavvoglou (International Hellenic University, Greece)
Organizers: International Hellenic University – Department of Accounting and Finance, Greece; Faculty of International Business and Economics – The Bucharest University of Economic Studies, Romania; Center of Research in International Business and Economics – The Bucharest University of Economic Studies, Romania; Romanian Academy – Institute for Economic Forecasting, Romania; Romanian Academy – Center for Financial and Monetary Research "Victor Slavescu," Romania
Published: 13 January 2020
ISSN: 2518-668X
Indexing: EBEEC Conference Proceedings are indexed in Web of Science (by Clarivate Analytics, formerly Thomson Reuters and ISI).
Boundaries in architecture become increasingly apparent when working in an international context. Boundaries can mean geographical borders or physical territories but also can refer to social, cultural and professional differences. Architectural practitioners working in an international or global context often find that while the projects are international, regulation and professional practice methods and procedures remain at the national level. The aim of this conference was to bring together practitioners, academics and professional bodies from across China and all over the world to discuss the key issues, challenges/opportunities, surrounding architectural practice in the global context and showcase the innovative and best practice methods architects develop. It was expected to build a platform to share knowledge and foster collaborations in order to develop research links and practice collaborations between professional bodies, academia, and industry. The conference consisted of panel presentations, round table discussions, workshops and keynote speeches of leading practitioners and theorists, and a poster exhibition. Attendees from 15 different countries represented around 30 institutions worldwide.
Conference themes: Trans-national Architecture: Global Practice in the Local Context, Architecture across Cultures: Making, Representation, and Material, Education and Professional Practice across Borders, and Future Cities, Sustainability, Workflows, BIM.
The scientific committee of the conference comprised of academics from 10 different universities in Asia, Europe, and America. All contributions published in the conference proceedings underwent a double-blind peer review in two stages.
Keynote speakers: Keith Griffiths (Chairman and Global Design Principal, Aedas), Rajeev Kathpalia (Vastu Shilpa Consultants), Dr. Charlie Xue (City University of Hong Kong), Prof. Flora Samuel (University of Reading , Vice President for Research, Riba), Alan M Jones (President-Elect of the RIBA), and Binke Lenhardt (Architect, Partner and Cofounder of Crossboundaries)
Conference date: 19–21 June 2019
Location: Xi'an Jiaotong-Liverpool University, Suzhou, China
Chief Academic Editor: Teresa Hoskyns
Organizer: Xi'an Jiaotong-Liverpool University, University of Liverpool
Sponsors: RIBA – Royal Institute of Chartered Architects
Published: 19 November 2019
ISSN: 2518-668X
Indexing: International Conference: Architecture Across Boundaries is indexed in Web of Science (by Clarivate Analytics, formerly Thomson Reuters and ISI).
The International Conference on Economics, Management, and Accounting (ICEMA) 2019 is the first international conference organized by the Faculty of Economics and Business, Universitas Muhammadiyah Jakarta, Indonesia. The theme of the conference was “Cooperation in Digital Era: Bridging the Integrity, Creativity, Sustainability, and Spirituality.” The conference was aimed to provide an opportunity for researchers, students, government officials, and professionals to share their research in a broader community and to get a better understanding of the current state of research or ideas in the field of economics, management, and accounting. This conference is expected to develop a strong network for researchers in the same interests or fields. This conference acted as a medium for new and young researchers to establish a strong relationship with their experienced counterparts. The ICEMA had three main activities: workshop on research methodology, seminar, and call for papers.
Conference date: 20–21 August 2019
Location: Swiss-belHotel Serpong, Tangerang Selatan, Indonesia
Chief Academic Editor: Dr. Eva Herianti
Organizer: Faculty of Economics and Business Universitas Muhammadiyah Jakarta
Sponsors: Bank Syariah Mandiri, BNI Syariah, Bank Mega Syariah, PT Elang Mas Indo Cipta, KAP Adrian, Luqman, Sarifuddin, and Zulbadri
Published: 17 October 2019
ISSN: 2518-668X
The PwR doctoral symposium is an annual event organised by the Ahlia University, Bahrain. It is a celebration of the international partnership with the Brunel University London, UK through the PhD without residence (PwR) program. Leaders from both the universities were present and inaugurated the event; this reflects the dedication towards the programme to build on its success, especially after the graduation of 50 candidates from the programme. This annual gathering is a great opportunity for the PhD candidates to present the progress in their theses and receive feedback from experts from both sides (Ahlia University and Brunel University). This year’s symposium was the 9th edition of the PwR symposium series. The papers presented in the symposium went through two cycles of rigorous double-blind peer-review process, first, at the time of the submission of the paper for the symposium time, and second, during the preparation of these proceedings. The main objective of this peer-review process was to assure the quality and the standards of the included papers. The symposium included three main themes, Entrepreneurship, Business and organization, and Health and Society. Besides, there were pre- symposium workshops and a lecture delivered by a guest speaker during the symposium aiming to provide students with required research knowledge and skills. These workshops are part of condensed series of workshops that are offered to the candidates throughout their PhD journey.
Conference date: 11–12 February 2018 & 2019
Location: Gulf Hotel, Manama, Bahrain
Chief Academic Editor: Dr. Dalia Mohamed Kamel and Dr. Tillal Eldabi
Organizer: Ahlia University, Bahrain
Sponsor: Ahlia University, Bahrain
Published: 19 September 2019
ISSN: 2518-668X
The 2nd International Conference Foundation Programs: Innovation and Technology ‘Shaping the Future of ELT’ aimed to create an international platform for the practitioners of the Foundation and English Language Teaching program to explore new ideas and acquire innovation approaches regarding the integration of technologies in the forms of plenary sessions, paper presentations, panel discussions, workshops, and poster presentations. The outcome of the conference benefited the participants in facilitating them to leverage on the use of technology in higher education. The conference was also another manifestation of UOB’s ongoing effort to be the key player in the field of education in the GCC. The QS 2019 ranking of the University as the leading institution in the Kingdom of Bahrain, top 25 in the Arab region, and top 2% of the employer reputation globally are testaments of UOB’s effort in striving for excellence.
Conference date: 19–20 April 2019
Location: Art Rotana, Amwaj Islands, Bahrain
Chief Academic Editor: Dr. Ghada Ahmed Jassim
Organizers: The University of Bahrain, English Language Center
Strategic Partners: Tamkeen; Partners: Gulf Conference Limited Gulf Education; Corporate Sponsors: National Geographic Learning, Benefit, Alba, QS – World University Ranking, Pearson, Chandal – Event Management & Organizer Alayam Newspaper)
Published: 12 September 2019
ISSN: 2518-668X
The first International Conference on Technology for Sustainable Development (ICTSD) 2018 was organised by the Vocational College, Universitas Gadjah Mada, in collaboration with the Semarang Merchant Marine Polytechnic. The theme of the conference was "The Role of Higher Education in Disruptive Era" and accommodated various scientific disciplines of science that synergize one another. The conference included one keynote speech session, four cluster plenary sessions and parallel presentation session. This two-day event was supported by the Nagoya University, University of the Sunshine Coast Australia, BCA, IUFRO, Chengdu Textile College, Sepuluh Nopember Institute of Technology, the Logistics Institute-Asia Pacific Singapore, Indonesia Logistics and Forwarders Association, Cybermax Asia Pte. Ltd., and PT Pan Brothers Tbk.
Conference topics: The scientific disciplines were divided into four clusters: (1) Transportation and Logistics with sub-theme ”Digital Logistic.” (2) Forestry and Environment with sub-theme “The New Concept of Community Forestry.” (3) Socioeconomic-Humanities (languages, arts and culture, economics, management, accounting) with sub-theme "Financial technology and its impact on the culture.” (4) Science and Technology (industry, computing, materials, energy) with sub-theme “Opportunity and Challenge in Industry 4.0.”
Conference date: 12–13 October 2018
Location: The Eastparc Hotel, Yogyakarta, Indonesia
Editors: Prof. Kazuhiro Harada (Nagoya University Japan); Dr. Takahiro Fujiwara (Kyushu University Japan); Dr. Ellyn Damayanti (IUFRO); Dr. Agus Tjahyono (Semarang Merchant Marine Polytechnic); Dr. Anggito Abimanyu (Universitas Gadjah Mada); Dr. Iman Haryanto (Universitas Gadjah Mada); Dr. Leo Indra Wardhana (Universitas Gadjah Mada); Dr. Laksmi Yustika (Universitas Gadjah Mada); Dr. M Arrofiq (Universitas Gadjah Mada); Wahyu Kartika Wienanda, S.Pd., M.Pd. (Universitas Gadjah Mada); Alfelia Nugky Permatasari, S.S., M.A. (Universitas Gadjah Mada); Puji Lestari, S.Hut., M.Sc. (Universitas Gadjah Mada); Ronald Adrian, S.T., M.Eng. (Universitas Gadjah Mada)
Organizers: Vocational College, Universitas Gadjah Mada, and Semarang Merchant Marine Polytechnic, Indonesia
Sponsors: BCA and Nagoya University
Published: 28 August 2019
ISSN: 2518-668X
The FGIC 2nd Conference on Governance and Integrity was a two-day conference aimed to examine the issues and challenges faced by both the public and private sectors in good governance and integrity in regards to the Industrial Revolution 4.0. For any organization, good governance and integrity is an essential prerequisite to remain competitive in the digitalized economy. The conference included various topics on the different challenges of governance and integrity in the era of digitalization and innovative approaches to overcome governance and integrity issues in industry and academia.
Conference topics: The conference topics included the following non-exhaustive subthemes: Ethics & Culture in Business, Human Governance, Project & Technology Management, Data Analytics & Internet-of-Things, Cyber Security, Sustainability Issues, IT-related Governance & Integrity Issues, and Supply Chain & Operations Management
Conference dates: 19–20 August 2019
Location: Yayasan Pahang, Kuantan, Pahang, Malaysia
Editor-in-Chief: Dr. Muhammad Waris Ali Khan
Chief Academic Editor: Dr. Gusman Nawanir
Organizer: Universiti Malaysia Pahang
Sponsors: Yayasan Pahang, The Malaysian Institute of Integrity, and Yayasan Bank Rakyat
Published: 18 August 2019
ISSN: 2518-668X
The 2018 International Seminar on Tropical Eco-Settlements was held in three days, consisting of a seminar on the 14th-15th November 2018 and field trip to Penglipuran Village on the 16th November 2018. The seminar welcomed academicians, NGO staff members, consultants, policymakers, government stakeholders, corporate managers and executives, scientists, researchers, graduated students, and other professionals in the field of urban housing development. Following the continued success of the previous ISTEcS (2008, 2010, 2012, and 2014), this Seminar had 78 national and international participants from Indonesia, Malaysia, Bangladesh, Thailand and Japan.
In this Seminar, there were four classes and each class included seven sessions. Each session covered a specific topic. There were nine topics, Urban Landscape, Urban Spatial Equity, Slum Area, Green infrastructure, Urban Housing Development, Environmental Justice and Urban Resilience, Future Proof Comfort Design, Future Proof Housing Design, Future Proof Low Energy Design. The topic with the highest number of paper was Urban Housing Development, with 23 papers presented.
The seminar has published all presented papers into two publication, 68 papers in proceeding and 10 selected papers are included in a Book Chapter published by UPI Press. Each paper was reviewed by two reviewers (double-blinded). Reviewers comes different countries includes Indonesia, Egypt, Japan, Thailand, the Netherlands, Australia and New Zealand. Their expertise is relevant with each topic they reviewed.
Conference dates: 14–15 November 2018
Location: Bali, Indonesia
Chief Academic Editor: Dr. Andreas Wibowo
Organizers: Research Institute for Housing and Human Settlement, Ministry of Public Works and Housing
Published: 5 August 2019
ISSN: 2518-668X
Today we are in the middle of a new media revolution. We are at least witnessing, if not directly experiencing, the shift of all culture to computer-mediated forms of production, distribution, and communication. According to Lev Manovich, the author of The Language of New Media (2002), compared to the previous revolutions, this new one is more profound. The introduction of the printing press in the fifteenth century and photography in the nineteenth century indeed brought revolutionary impacts on the development of modern society and culture. However, these previous revolutions affected only one stage of cultural communication. While the impact of the introduction of the printing press only dealt with the distribution of media, the impact of the introduction of photography dealt with still images only. In contrast, the computer media revolution affects all stages of communication, including acquisition, manipulation, storage, and distribution. It also affects all types of media, i.e., texts, still images, moving images, sound, and spatial constructions (Manovich, 2002). In short, the presence of new media is reshaping our social landscape.
According to Sonia Livingstone, the author of Handbook of New Media (2002), media are always embedded in a social landscape, which precedes, shapes, contextualizes and continues after any specific technological innovation. Therefore it is imperative to put new media into context, to locate them within the social landscape, and to map the changing media environment concerning the human activities which, in turn, structure that environment. It is such a dialectical framework of looking glass that enables us not to be trapped into any deterministic perspectives in discussing the relationship between technology and human beings.
Departing from such an understanding of new media and how it is reshaping our contemporary world, and how our way of living is, to some extent, prompting the technological innovation, this Conference invited scholars and graduate students who have a concern on this issue to take a part in it. This Conference acted as a forum in which scholars and graduate students from all corners of the world could share their ideas and research findings dealing with this very contemporary and global issue. This big topic can be formulated in the question as follows: How are new media reshaping the whole aspects of life of contemporary societies? What is meant by whole aspects of life may include arts, sports, politics, economy, scientific activities and inquiries, religion, communication, language, culture, etc. Participants may choose any of the aspects in line with his/her research interests.
Conference dates: 30–31 October 2018
Location: Yogyakarta, Graduate School of Universitas Gadjah Mada Jalan Teknika Utara, Pogung, Yogyakarta
Editors: Dr. Wening Udasmoro (Faculty of Cultural Sciences of Universitas Gadjah Mada); Associate Professor Goh Beng Lan (Southeast Asian Studies Programme, National University Of Singapore); Professor Ariel Heryanto (Monash University); and Dr. Zainal Abdin Bagir (Graduate School of Universitas Gadjah Mada)
Organizer: Graduate School of Universitas Gadjah Mada
Sponsor: Universitas Gadjah Mada, BNI 46, Bank Mandiri
Published: 4 August 2019
ISSN: 2518-668X
The Second Annual International Conference on Language and Literature (AICLL) is a scientific forum organised by the Faculty of Literature, Universitas Islam Sumatera Utara (UISU), the oldest University outside of the Java Island, Medan, Indonesia. The conference was held on July 3–4, 2019 at Ballroom Madani Hotel, Medan, Indonesia, and provided an excellent forum for sharing as well as exchanging knowledge and research findings to the researchers, practitioners, academicians, professionals, and students from all over the world. The topics of interests included all theoretical and practical aspects of Language and Literature. The primary goal of the 2nd AICLL 2019 was to address the Research Paradigms on Language and Literature in the Industrial Revolution 4.0, especially of the latest researches and innovations.
Conference date: 3–4 July 2019
Location: Universitas Islam Sumatera Utara (UISU), Medan, Indonesia
Chief Academic Editor: Prof. Jumino Suhadi
Co-Editors: Assoc. Prof. Purwarno, Manugeren, Pardi, Susi Ekalestari, Assoc. Prof. Andang Suhendi, and Purwanto Siwi
Organizer: Faculty of Literature, UISU, Medan
Published: 1 August 2019
ISSN: 2518-668X