The Sudan Journal of Medical Sciences invites proposals for a special issue titled ‘Sudanese Traditional Medicine: Past and Present Practices and Healing’.

Sudanese traditional medicine relies on many plants, herbs, and practices of a wide range to treat many diseases and bacterial infections. However, there is still a need for more research to verify the validity and safety of the therapeutic uses of these plants.

We would like to invite proposals for contributions to a special journal issue examining the advantages and disadvantages of this medical approach. This special issue will be published in December 2023.

Topics can include but are not restricted to:

  • The role of traditional healers in the provision of health care in Sudan (evidence-based study).
  • Policies and regulations of traditional medicine.
  • Systematic review articles and Meta analysis on medicinal herbs used as traditional medicines.
  • Infection control among traditional practitioners in Sudan (original article).
  • Systematic review articles and Meta analysis on animal products used as traditional medicines.
  • The spiritual therapies used to treat Sudanese patients: the scientific evidence so far.
  • Traditional medicine in Sudan: The pros and cons (a review article).
  • Traditional medicine in Sudan: Ministry of Health Leaders’ Perspective (a qualitative study).
  • The perception of Sudan medical staff/students about traditional medicine (original articles).
  • The pros and cons of social media on traditional medicine believes and practices in Sudan.
  • Traditional medicines' impact on health care services in Sudan.
  • Traditional medicine in Sudan; uses and administrations
  • Concept and practice of traditional medicines in Sudan

Submission details and deadlines

Proposals of 300 words (excluding references) should be submitted by the 1st of April, 2023. We will review and respond by the 1st of June. Proposals must be written in English.

Submissions can be made through our online manuscript submission system. Please mention that this submission is for the Special Issue on Sudanese Traditional Medicine in your cover letter.

The accepted articles need to be written in English, and should be between 4000 and 6000 words in total (including abstract, introduction, method, results, discussion, and references). Accepted articles need to be submitted by August 1st 2023. At this point the final article will undergo peer review, prior to publication.

Research and Publication Ethics and the Journal Author Guidelines should be strictly followed (kindly check the website).

The Omdurman Islamic University covers all publication fees for this journal.

If you have any questions prior to or during the submission process, please get in touch with the Editor-in-Chief, Prof. Nazik Elmalaika Husain,
