
The Sudan Journal of Medical Sciences (SJMS) is an open-access, peer-reviewed journal that publishes high-quality original research on healthcare challenges and the latest developments in medicine, nursing, and basic medical sciences. SJMS has a geographic rather than subject-specific speciality; our unique contribution to the wider academic community is the collection and promotion of medical research relating to Africa and Middle East, and more specifically to Sudan.

Our goal is to disseminate new research and facilitate discussions around clinical care and the challenges faced by health care workers in the region. In addition, we aim to translate clinical data and basic science into practice for patients and public health bodies, making a valuable contribution to the broader academic and medical communities.

SJMS is published quarterly and accepts the following article types: original research articles, review articles, clinical trials, case reports and case series, letters to the Editor, editorials, short communications and commentaries, book reviews, conference reports and state-of-the-field reviews. The Journal also publishes educational items guiding researchers and medical practitioners on publishing best practices to help support continuous professional development.

Statement about owner / founder of the journal

SJMS is the official publication of the Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences (FMHS, at Omdurman Islamic University (OIU,, Sudan. The journal is published every three months on a regular basis since September 2006.  The FMHS, OIU covers the article processing charges (APCs) for authors looking to publish their research in the journal.


Knowledge E.

Publisher location

Dubai, United Arab Emirates.


ISSN: 1858-5051