Entrepreneurial Community and the Unique Marketing Mix As Social Factors that Create Sense of Place in Lok Baintan Floating Market


This study was aimed at exploring the conditions of people with an entrepreneurial spirit or entrepreneurial community, precisely located in Lok Baintan Floating Market. Entrepreneurial community in this Floating Market has a distinctive character which gives color to market existence in term of shaping forming sense of place for the tourism area in Banjarmasin, Borneo. Method used in this study was exploratory qualitative, where the data was obtained from interviewing the head of the local community group, traders, tourists, and local government. The study showed that the Floating Market is distinct not only by its product-based characteristic but also by its service-based in marketing the products, among others, product uniqueness (unique merchandise commodities), price (price and bargaining process), place (located in a river corridor), promotion (a unique way of promotion for both sellers and government support), people (sellers’ ethnicity, lifestyle, and speech style), and physical aspect (selling and buying location in a riverboat which is unique and has a memorable impression).

Keywords: Sense of place; Entrepreneurial Community; Marketing Mix

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