The Study of Bureaucracy in Indonesia: A Bibliometric Analysis


One of the key components in progressing a nation’s bureaucracy is by conducting research on bureaucracy. Researchers and academics have been using bureaucracy as a variable in their research to assess its effectiveness and how it interacts with other crucial aspects of government. This paper analyzes the relationship between journal publications and reliable articles about bureaucracy in Indonesia published in journal publications, the effects of publications, and the novelty of publications. It is done by employing three tools: Publish or Perish, VosViewer, and Mendeley. Microscopic images were presented based on bibliometric analysis from 309 scholarly papers retrieved from Google Scholar for the period of five years (2017-2022). The results of the analysis revealed that while terms like bureaucracy, implementation, and good governance have been extensively examined, while terms like e-government, impact, role, and bureaucratic reform have not. Employees, practices, case studies, studies, and issues are still understudied in publications on bureaucracy, therefore it is essential and presents a significant opportunity to be considered in the further research of bureaucracy in Indonesia.

Keywords: Bureaucracy in Indonesia, bibliometric analysis

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