Liver Histopathological Measurement Due to Maximum Dosage for Acute Oral Toxicity Test Using Ethanol Extract Of Coffee Pulp In Female Mice


Coffee processing into fast food ingredients that must be done in order to get maximum results. Behind the processing there are various problems that arise, one of them are the presence of solid waste in the form of pulp coffee. Based on several studies, coffee pulp turned out to have high antioxidants.This research was conducted an acute oral toxicity test of the maximum dose (2000 mg/kg BW) of ethanol extract of coffee pulp was tested on mice for 24 hours. Acute oral toxicity studies of coffee pulp based on guidelines for National Drug and Food Control in female mice. The study was conducted in 2 groups of test animals consisting of a negative control group and an acute oral treatment group. Each group of 5 mice were treated for 24 hours. After treatment, the object was analyzed by histological observations descriptively. Descriptive histological analysis (qualitative analysis) of the liver of female mice showed no difference between the study groups. The treatment group that was given ethanol extract of coffee pulp showed a normal nucleus which was shown by the appearance of scattered chromatin beads. This is in line with the description of the normal cytoplasm like a group of normal mice. The maximum dose of 2,000 mg / kg for acute oral testing for 24 hours does not show microscopic changes in female mice.Recommendation for further research is to conduct oral subchronic and chronic toxicity testing in the normal group and in groups given free radical-producing compounds with various examinations of other organs.


Keywords: health drinks, antioxidant, acute toxicity, maximum dose.

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