Effectiveness of Lavender Aromatherapy on Perineum Pain Intensity among Postpartum Mothers with Normal Labor: A Literature Review


Perineal pain is one of the problems for postpartum mothers. The intensity of the pain depends on the degree of rupture and parity factors. Perineal pain that is not treated will cause discomfort and mothers being afraid to mobilize early and can also cause perineal infections and bleeding. Perineal pain can be overcome using lavender aromatherapy, as linalool and linalyl acetate in lavender has an analgesic effect. This research conducts a literature review about lavender aromatherapy’s effectiveness on the intensity of perineal pain in the postpartum women. The research method used is a literature review with a total of five articles included. One article was obtained from PubMed with the keywords ‘lavender oil aromatherapy’ AND ‘perineal pain’ AND ‘postpartum’. The other four articles were found on Google Scholar with the keywords ‘Aromatherapy lavender’, ‘perineal pain’, ‘postpartum’. The inclusion criteria of selected articles are respondents in the study were postpartum mothers with perineal trauma, interventions were given lavender aromatherapy, and the outcome is perineal pain. The results showed that lavender aromatherapy effectively reduced perineal pain in postpartum mothers who experienced trauma in perineum. It is expected that practitioners can apply aromatherapy interventions in reducing perineal pain.


Keywords: Lavender aromatherapy, perineal pain, postpartum, literature review

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