Correlation Between Students’ Self-Efficacy and Breast Self-Examination (BSE) Practice in Nursing Students


Considering that breast cancer cases are increasing every year, it is important to promote early detection practices such as breast self-examination (BSE). Female students’ ability to routinely perform a practice to prevent a disease may be affected by self-efficacy, their belief in their ability to produce an expected result that can affect their life. On the other hand, performing BSE will also promote students’ self-efficacy. The present study aims to find out the correlation between self-efficacy and BSE practices amongst female students of STIKep PPNI West Java. This study employed non-experimental quantitative methods, adapted from Champion’s Health Belief Model Scale (CHBMS). The results showed that there was a significant correlation between students’ self-efficacy and breast self-examination practice on female students of STIKep PPNI West Java. This indicates that self-efficacy is important to changed behaviour. The findings are expected to improve female students’ awareness to perform breast self-examination (BSE) practice since their adolescence years.


Keywords: breast_self_examination, practice, self_efficacy

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