The Effect of Clinical Model Supervision and Academic Model Supervision on Nursing Care at the Community Health Center of Sukabumi Regency


Ineffective nursing care at the community health center can, in part, be attributed to the lack of a proper supervision model. Supervision is a management function at the control stage which is carried out to direct nurses to work effectively and efficiently and reduce potential work problems. This study uses a quasi-experimental design with pre-test and post-test, together with a control group design. The aim of this study is to analyze the effect of supervision of the clinical model and supervision of academic models on the nursing service at the community health center in Sukabumi Regency. The sample was comprised of 40 people, and data analysis was performed using the General Linear Model Repeating Measure (GLM-RM). The results indicate that there was an increase in the value of nursing care following the intervention. The author saw that in the control group, although no intervention was carried out, they knew that they were being supervised by their supervisor, so that there was an increase in the value of nursing care, but the value was not as significant as that in the intervention group. Therefore, the study concludes that the academic method of supervision training is very effective in improving nursing care.


Keywords: Supervision of Clinical Models, Academic Models, Nursing Care

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