Description of Palliative Care Needs Among the Elderly in Indonesia


Indonesia is the third largest country in the world, with the number of elderly reaching 80 million. The increase in this demographic will impact the level of care from health services available for the elderly, further increasing their problems with the disruption of daily activities, decreased physical ability, psychological, autonomy, spiritual, social, and financial functions. These needs are adopted from the Problems and Needs of Palliative Care (PNPC) assessment tools. This study aimed to describe the elderly’s need for palliative care. This study used descriptive quantitative analysis with a cross-sectional approach. The number of samples was 13 elderly based on G * Power, with an estimated dropout of 10%. The instrument used PNPC, which has been adapted into Bahasa with 35 questions in total. Statistical analysis showed the elderly’s needs maximum value was at physical as well as psychological aspects. Physical complaints in the elderly are obtained that vary depending on the condition of the elderly and are associated with other health issues, related to the level of fitness followed by the elderly’s independence. This study recommends health professionals, especially nurses, to conduct an initial assessment to evaluate the physical needs of the patient by reducing and resolving any health-related symptoms and fulfilling their psychological needs.


Keywords: Elderly, Physic, Problems and Needs of Palliative Care, Psychologic

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