The effect of Pursed Lips Breathing Exercises on the Oxygen Saturation Levels of Patients with Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease in Persahabatan Hospital, Jakarta


Patients with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease can face increased resistance of airflow, air trapping, and lung hyperinflation. This condition can also cause decreased lung ventilation functions. Using a pursed lips breathing exercise can strengthen respiratory muscles that can improve oxygen saturation by maintaining airflow to bronchus and its branches and alveolus which then can prevent collapse in bronchiolus. The purpose of the study was to identify the effect of pursed lips breathing exercises on the oxygen saturation levels in patients with chronic obstructive lung disease in Persahabatan hospital, Jakarta. The design was quasi experimental, with a control group pre-post test design. A random sampling technique was used in the study. The exercise was provided to the intervention group for six days. The findings showed that the lung ventilation function is significantly different between preand post-intervention for both groups (p=0.00). Further, the average lung ventilation function in the intervention group is significantly different from that of the control group after intervention (p=0.012). In addition, while there is a significant relationship between subject age and the increase of the lung ventilation score (p=0.001), there was no relationship between height and the increase of oxygen saturation (p=0.091) and no significant relationship between sex and the increase of oxygen saturation (p=0.346). Based on these findings, the pursed lips breathing exercise is recommended to patients with chronic obstructive lung disease in order to improve the level of oxygen saturation.


Keywords: Oxygen saturation, Pursed lips breathing exercise, Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease.

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