Community Knowledge of and Attitudes Towards the Implementation of Health Protocols to Prevent COVID-19


COVID-19 is an infectious disease that attacks the respiratory tract. Its spread is so fast that all countries in the world have contracted this disease. As of the time of writing, in the world there are an estimated 69 million positive cases. In Indonesia, in 2020 there were 605,243 confirmed cases. West Java occupied the 4th position in number of cases in Indonesia with 64,072 confirmed cases. Meanwhile, in the Garut Regency area, there were 2,641 confirmed cases from different sub-districts, one of which is Malangbong District. This study aimed to determine the relationship between the knowledge and attitudes of the community towards implementing health protocols in efforts to prevent COVID-19 in Sakawayana village. This research used a descriptive correlation method with a cross-sectional approach. 98 people in Sakawayana village (which has a population of 5,329 people) were recruited through purposive sampling. The results of this study indicated that 78 people (79.6%) had a good level of knowledge, 55 people (56.1%) had a positive attitude, and 78 people (79.6%) appropriately applied the health protocols. There was a relationship between knowledge and attitudes of the community towards implementing health protocols in efforts to prevent COVID-19 in Sakawayana village, with a p-value < 0.05.

Keywords: attitudes, health protocols, knowledge

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