Psychology of Smell: Its Influence on the Consumer in the Boutiques of the City of Riobamba


Olfactory marketing is a current trend that arises from sensory marketing and neuromarketing, which creates sensory experiences through smell, with certain aromas within the points of sale, in order to influence a consumer’s association toward a product or a brand and thus the profitability of the company. Sensory marketing focuses on the correct use of the senses and the management of emotions, which positively favors the sale of a product or service. Olfactory perception is the first sensory system that produces emotions when it receives a stimulus and stays longer in memory. The current research analyzes a specific aroma used in boutiques to increase the association of the brand with the consumer's memory. A neurosensory instrument called electroencephalogram was used to determine the cognitive fluency of the aroma. The equipment records the electrical activity of the brain, these impulses generate levels of meditation and attention before the influence of an aroma.


marketing, olfactory marketing, neuromarketing, electroencephalograma

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