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Authorship and Correspondence
An author is someone who has made significant contributions to the study’s conception or design, acquisition and interpretation of data, drafting of the paper or revision of important intellectual content, and the final approval of the work.
Affiliations should include the institution(s) where the reported research was conducted and/or approved.
Duplicate Publications and Self-Plagiarism
Any manuscript submitted must be an original piece of work which has not been published anywhere else in a current or similar form.
Data Availability
Dubai Diabetes Endocrinol J strongly encourages authors to make the datasets on which the paper's conclusions rely available to editors, reviewers, and readers without undue restriction wherever possible. Authors must include a Data Availability Statement in their work that describes whether data are available and where to find them. In circumstances when research data is not publically available due to legal or ethical considerations, this should be clearly disclosed in the Data Availability Statement, along with any access requirements. Whether or if authors share their research data has no bearing on their decision to publish.
Data Transparency
We encourage authors to keep an accurate recording of all data and supporting materials mentioned in the manuscript to facilitate clear understanding, verification and replication in the research.
Preprint Policy
Dubai Diabetes Endocrinol J supports the sharing of research via preprint servers, and our authors are permitted to share a Preprint of their article.
Authors must not transfer or assign copyright when sharing the preprint version of their manuscript, or make it available under an exclusive licence (i.e. the preprint must be open access).
Dubai Diabetes Endocrinol J accepts articles previously available as preprints, provided the authors retain copyright in their work during the preprint process. However, this must have taken place prior to submission to the journal, and the author must notify the journal of the existence of the preprint at the time of submission.
The manuscript cannot be submitted to the preprint server while undergoing peer review by the journal.
The revised manuscript, following peer review, cannot be submitted to the preprint server after peer review until the decision to accept or reject the article has been made.
If the manuscript is not accepted, the author can submit to preprint servers. However, if the article is accepted for publication, the author cannot submit this version to the preprint servers (but to ensure precedence and protection of intellectual property, the author can still submit a pre-peer review version of the article to a preprint server at this point).
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“This is the version of the article before peer review or editing, as submitted by an author to [NAME OF JOURNAL]. Knowledge E Publishing is not responsible for any errors or omissions in this version of the manuscript or any version derived from it. The version of the record is available online at [FULL DOI] [MENTION IF TITLE HAS CHANGED AND INCLUDE NEW TITLE HERE]“
Research Involving Humans
For human studies, approval must be obtained from an institutional or local review board. This information, the name of the review board, and approval numbers/codes should be stated in the manuscript.
The study must adhere to the Declaration of Helsinki Ethical Principles for Medical Research Involving Human Subjects. All research participants should be informed about the study’s aims and any possible negative effects of the intervention. Written informed consent must also be obtained from all participants.
For research involving vulnerable participants or those at risk of coercion, full information about the actions taken to obtain informed consent must be supplied. If consent was not obtained, please explain why and whether it was approved by the ethics committee.
In accordance with the ICMJE principles on research participant protection, authors must avoid sharing identifying information unless absolutely necessary for the submission, and identifiable qualities of participants must be anonymised in the article and any additional materials. If identifying information is required, authors must confirm that the individual has obtained written authorisation for the publication of that information and clearly declare this in the statement of ethics.
Ethical considerations must be addressed in the Methods section, and the journal reserves the right to request the related documents.
Manuscripts describing a case report must include a statement stating who provided written informed consent for publication. If the patient has passed away, permission to publish must be acquired from their nearest of kin. If the patient depicted in the case report is a minor or vulnerable person, permission to publish must be acquired from the patient's parent/legal guardian. If asked, the completed consent form must be made accessible to the Editor and will be treated discreetly. We will not consider the work for publication if an agreement to publish any directly or indirectly identifying data or images has not been acquired.
Research Involving Animals
For animal studies, approval must be obtained from an institutional or local review board. This information, the name of the review board, and approval numbers/codes should be stated in the manuscript.
Research involving animals must adhere to the National Institutes of Health Guidance For the Care and Use of Laboratory Animals.
Ethical considerations must be addressed in the Methods section, and the journal reserves the right to request the related documents. Due to the double blind peer review policy, the Ethics Statement should be anonymised where appropriate.
If no ethics permission was necessary, or if the study was granted an exemption from requiring ethics approval, this should be noted in the manuscript, along with the name of the ethics committee that made that decision. For studies that describe the death of a regulated animal as a predicted outcome or planned endpoint, more information on welfare and the actions taken to minimize suffering is requested. Other types of investigations, such as field studies and non-interventional animal research, must adhere to local or international norms and, if applicable, be authorized by an appropriate ethics committee.
Clinical Trials
According to the International Committee of Medical Journal Editors (ICMJE), a clinical trial is “any research study that prospectively assigns human participants or groups of humans to one or more health-related interventions to evaluate the effects on health outcomes.”
Peer Review
Dubai Diabetes Endocrinol J follows the Ethical Guidelines of Peer Reviewers by the Committee on Publication Ethics. The Journal does not guarantee manuscript acceptance. Although the peer-review process’ efficiency is one of the Journal’s indicators, there is no guarantee of a specific time for a decision to be made.
Dubai Diabetes Endocrinol J does not tolerate any type of plagiarism, including but not limited to self-published work, published and non-published material, images, text and downloads from websites.
Conflicts of Interest
All conflicts of interest (including financial, personal, academic, and/or ideological) must be declared upon submission. If no conflicts exist, the authors should state this. It should be noted that editors and reviewers are likewise responsible for disclosing any conflicts of interest.
The journal follows the COPE flowcharts for the following scenarios of suspected nondisclosure of conflicts of interest:
Corrections, Expressions of Concern and Retractions
To address issues involving serious ethics or integrity concerns, the journal follows ICMJE and COPE guidelines. In line with that, Dubai Diabetes Endocrinol J publishes three types of post-publication notices: Corrections, Expressions of Concern and Retractions.
Corrections are issued if the errors are minor and do not alter the results or conclusion of the reported research. If an author is found to have made an error, the journal will issue a corrigendum, and if the journal’s editorial team is found to have made an error, they will issue an erratum.
Corrigenda and Errata are assigned DOIs and linked to the original articles.
Expressions of Concern (EoC)
Expressions of Concern (EoC) are issued by the journal’s Editor-in-Chief if they have substantial doubt about the honesty and integrity of a published article. An EoC is published as a PDF and linked to the original article, similar to an Erratum or Corrigendum. After an EOC is published, the article may be corrected or retracted.
Dubai Diabetes Endocrinol J follows COPE’s Retraction Guidelines. As such, a retraction may be considered in cases of:
In extreme circumstances, the journal may remove an article from its website. Such events include legal obligations like a court order, privacy infringements, endangerment of an individual or the general public, and defamation.
Grievance Procedure
Dubai Diabetes Endocrinol J draws from the guidelines presented by the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE) to Manage Complaints and Disputes. Should a complaint and/or dispute arise, they may be directed to
Integrity of Record
Dubai Diabetes Endocrinol J maintains a record of all its metadata, including article titles, author information, volume, issues and page numbers, etc. The journal ensures that the metadata is accessible to all within a jurisdiction without violating the law of the land and modifying the research content to suit geographical, linguistic or cultural diversity. In the event of a retraction or correction, when the journal needs to alter the publication record in any way, Dubai Diabetes Endocrinol J preserves the indexing and accessing information as much as possible.
The journal applies the same principles to marketing and does not modify or manipulate the representation of the academic record of the article in its marketing activities.
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