Satisfaction and Motivation of Adolescents Attending a Comprehensive Teenage Health Services of Nasyiatul Aisyiyah


Background: Adolescents are an important part of the community in Indonesia. Adolescentstendtohaveseveralproblems,particularlyin healthcare.Thereis aneed for improvements in medical care in order for teenagers to receive better health and psychological treatments. Comprehensive healthy teenage health services (In Bahasa: Pelayanan Remaja Sehat Milik Nasyiatul Aisyiyah /PASHMINA) appears as a solution for this adolescent’s problem.

Objectives: The objective of this study was to analyze the motivation of adolescents and their satisfaction from the comprehensive teenage health service.

Methods: This was a descriptive quantitative study. The subjects were 100 and 137 adolescents involved in PASHMINA. The data of their satisfaction was collected by using a questionnaire based on the theory of the SERVQUAL method. Results: This study suggested that adolescents have high motivation (93.43%) and moderate motivation (6.57%). In regards to their satisfaction, the result is divided into five dimensions: tangibles (74% - very satisfied), reliability (63% - very satisfied), responsiveness (80% - very satisfied), assurance (82% - very satisfied) and empathy (84%-verysatisfied).

Conclusion: Adolescents are satisfied withPASHMINA’sservices and have a high motivation to use them.ThegovernmentandNasyiatulAisyiyahshould cooperates in order to ensure that those can be done in a huge area of Indonesia.


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