Web-Based Information Search System Development Using a Semantic Network


Finding information from a large collection of documents is a complicated task; therefore, we need a method called an information retrieval system. Several models that have been used in information retrieval systems include the Vector Space Model (VSM), DICE Similarity, Latent Semantic Indexing (LSI), Generalized Vector Space Model (GVSM), and semantic-based information retrieval systems. The purpose of this study was to develop a semantic network-based search system that will find information based on keywords and the semantic relationship of keywords provided by users. This cannot be done by most search systems that only work based on keyword matching or similarities. The Waterfall development model was used, which divides the development stages into five steps, namely: (1) requirements analysis and definition; (2) system and software design; (3) implementation and unit testing; (4) integration and system testing; and (5) operation and maintenance. The developed system/application was tested by trying to find information based on various combinations of keywords provided by the user. The results showed that the system can find information that matches the keyword, and other relevant information based on the semantic relationships of these keywords.

Keywords: information retrieval, search system, semantic network, web-based application

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