Exploration of Malang Traditional Art for Junior High School Learning Materials


Malang has many kinds of traditional art and music and it is important that young people are aware of their local art and music as part of their cultural identity. The purpose of this research was to explore Malang traditional art and music which could be used as learning materials for junior high school students, especially for art and culture subject matter. This research used a qualitative approach. Data were collected through interviews, field observation and documentation analysis. The results showed that there is traditional art in Malang which can be used for this purpose, namely pottery from Penanggungan sub-district and batik from Celaket sub-district, which both use traditional elements. This research also identified the traditional music called Malangan Macapat which is different to Central Java Macapat. The conclusion was that these forms of Malang traditional art and music can be developed as learning materials for art and culture subject matter for junior high school students.


Keywords: education, art, music, learning materials, traditional

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