Adapting to the New Normal During the COVID-19 Pandemic Through Creating a Children's Song With a Health Theme


Health promotion activities are crucial amid the COVID-19 pandemic. Health promotion can be carried out through various methods, one of which is through musical activities. Musical activities may trigger a community’s awareness of the government’s programs related to minimizing the spread of COVID-19. The spread of COVID-19 reminds us that healthy behavior should be internalized as early as possible. The use of children’s songs as a medium of health education serves to promote healthy and clean-living behavior. Song creation for school-aged children could be an educational model to maintain personal and environmental health. In this study, data were collected through a literature review and observations of health-related issues for children. The song was created by determining the listener (i.e. children), the theme for adaptation to the new normal era (healthy behaviors), and the structure (AA, AB with simple variation of ABA, AAB); making the lyrics, a simple melody, and the song title; and writing in notation and socializing. The result of the study was a children’s song with a health theme, specifically related to healthy behaviors for adapting to the new normal, which can serve as a medium of health education for children.

Keywords: health education, song creation, children’s song, adaptation to new normal

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