Designing a Smartphone Application for Religious Tourism in Sukoharjo, Malang, Indonesia


Many potential tourism spots have been recently developed all over Malang, Indonesia. It all started from a university student’s project that transformed the packed living area of the colorful village of Jodipan (Kampung Warna Warni Jodipan) into a tourism destination. After this successful metamorphosis, the nearby villages started to develop their thematic villages. For example, across the bridge from Jodipan there is Kampung 3D and across the railroad track is Kampung Biru Arema. Near these places, there is Sukoharjo sub-district which is longing to do the same. One of the potential attractions on Sukoharjo is Haul Akbar Pondok Pesantren Darul Hadits Al-Faqihiyyah (the annual celebration of the Islamic boarding school Darul Hadits Al-Faqihiyyah), which is a pillar of religious tourism in Malang. This project explored a smartphone application design that would bring tourists to Sukoharjo. The design and development involved adapting prototype SDLC models to quickly involve the audience in the process. The prototype is expected to be used in a pilot project that further employs the development features of the smartphone application.

Keywords: Smartphone application, potential tourism spots, prototype SLDC models

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