Wayang Jekdong Art of East Java: Visual Transformation of the Bolo Trajutresna Puppet


The values of the Arek cultural community, as a coastal community, are clearly reflected in the shape and color of each Jekdong Puppet. Through the culture of tacit knowledge, the visualization of Jekdong puppets has its own standard, but along with the development of the visual transformation of Jekdong puppets, it continues to perfect and adapt to Arek’s cultural values. This phenomenon can be seen in the transformation of the Sabrangan puppet form, which represents the Bolo Trajutresna puppet, into a newer form, which several Jekdong puppeteers in Mojokerto agree upon. This study focused on visual observation of changes in the Bolo Trajutresna puppet both before and after being transformed. An ethnographic approach was used through the Spradley visual component analysis process. The results of the analysis showed that the transformation process is influenced by the values of the cultural character of Arek East Java, which are represented in the transformed Bolo Trajutresna puppet. The values of straightforwardness and simplicity seem to influence the patterns of transformation in the Jekdong puppet. The straightforwardness of form is very important in the socio-cultural community of Arek culture for accommodating the ease in conveying messages. This can be seen in the transformed form of the Bolo Trajutresna puppet. In addition, the drive for equality with forms of court art is characterized by the value of refinement of taste manifested in detailed motifs and coloring patterns / textures, and is considered to be a greater influence on the embodiment of the transformed aesthetic form of the Jekdong Bolo Trajutresna puppet. It is hoped that this research can make a contribution to the development of the Jekdong puppet show from a scientific point of view of art, particularly in the province of East Java.

Keywords: Wayang Jekdong, visual transformation, coastal culture

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