Performing a Victory in Performing Arts Competitions


Winning or losing is a natural consequence experienced when participating in an art competition. There is an individual or group that succeeds, then fails in another event or vice versa. But some individuals or groups always win in every competition. To bridge the gap, this research focused on strategies to sustain victory in group dance and traditional music competitions. Data were collected through interviewing, observation, and documentation analysis. Researchers took data before, during and after the competition. The researchers interpreted the data then grouped them according to research questions. Habitus and domination theory were used to analyze the data. Confirmed or negated information was used to find winning strategies. The results of this study indicate that the way to perpetuate victory is to equip students with adequate capital, map out the jury’s tastes, and have a unique art Olympiad class.


Keywords: Competition domination, art strategy, perpetuating victory, performing arts

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