E-commerce Simulation Game as an Entrepreneurial Learning Medium


The entrepreneurial spirit of students needs to be cultivated as it can help them to open various opportunities, explore self-potential and earn maximum income, and help the society to create new jobs. Entrepreneurial activities must be well planned and analyzed, and outlined in a business plan to increase the chance of success and minimize the risk. It is difficult to provide real entrepreneurial experiences in courses. Therefore, supporting media is needed. The aim of this research was to produce a simulation game application which provides students with a virtual entrepreneurial experience, in a form of e-commerce. The ADDIE development model method was used, which divided the development stages into five steps: Analysis, Design, Development, Implementation and Evaluation. The final product was a simulation game application that requires the player to carry out 5 stages. The player must create a business plan by deciding and modifying the values of the various variables provided in each stage. Validation by an expert in the content showed that the game was categorized as very good as they obtained an average score of 4.36 (on a scale of 0-5). Meanwhile, the expert in media obtained an average score of 4.47, which showed the game as very good. Moreover, this game application was well received by the users and their average score was 4.53.

Keywords: simulation game, e-commerce, entrepreneurship, entrepreneurial

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