Senior High School Students' Perceptions of Art Subject Online Teaching During COVID-19


One of the actions taken by the Indonesian government to stop the spread of COVID19 was closing all schools and running online teaching from home. Online learning creates distance between students and teachers. This study aimed to understand students’ perceptions of online education of art, specifically senior high school students in Probolinggo regency. The research focused on investigating students’ skills and comfortability during the learning process as well as the online learning management carried out by the teachers. This study used a quantitative approach with simple statistical computation. The researcher collected the data by distributing questionnaires to students at seven state senior high schools in Probolinggo utilizing Google Forms. The data were then descriptively analyzed. From 22 respondents, it was found that 9.1% did not have a smartphone; 81.8% stated that they could understand the online teaching materials; 27.3% expressed that they were not satisfied; and 54.5% said that the online learning demotivated them to learn arts. However, 95.5% of students believed that their teachers mastered the online classroom management. Results of the study show that senior high school students in Probolinggo have had a delightful experience in learning art online. However, it then slowly demotivates them to create art even though the majority of teachers have mastered the online learning technology. Students expect more varied creativity from teachers and stakeholders to ensure that learning art is entertaining and motivates them in the era of the pandemic.

Keywords: students’ perception, online learning, art subject, COVID-19

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