The Transmission Flow of Pottery in Malang as the Representation of Art Education


This research aimed to analyze the flow of transmission for pottery skills in three centers of pottery in Malang: Penanggungan. Glanggang and Pagelaran Village. A qualitative approach was used through the phenomenology research design. The researchers conducted in-depth interviews and observations, and studied references. After the data were collected, they were reduced, presented, and verified. Triangulation was carried out to determine the validity of the data. Data were analyzed using the interactive model. This research produced two flows of pottery transmission. In the first flow, traditional pottery craftsmen in Malang transmit the traditional pottery skills from parents to their biological children; however, in the development, it can be transmitted to the wife/husband and/or to the child in law. In the second flow, creative pottery skills in Malang are transmitted from instructors to craftsmen through education and training; however, not all craftsmen who complete the education and training will always be a creative craftsman. The picture of flow of transmission for the pottery represents the implementation of arts education in the society.

Keywords: flow of transmission, Malang pottery, representation of arts education

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