Development of a Cultural-Based Application at Kampoeng Heritage Kajoetangan as a Learning Media for Tourists


Kampoeng Heritage Kajoetangan is an area located in the heart of Malang City. 60 preserved heritage buildings are still occupied by the community to this day. Kampoeng Heritage Kajoetangan is a common thread in the history of the struggle of the Indonesian nation and the history of the city of Malang, which has many assets that must be preserved and explained to tourists. This study’s researchers developed an application entitled KAMPOENG HERITAGE KAJOETANGAN as a medium of learning about the culture in this village, including historical information, knowledge systems, language, systems and technology equipment, and art, livelihood, religious and social systems. This application was developed following the Borg & Gall development model which was simplified into 4 steps given the time restrictions, namely: Research and Data Collection, Planning, Product Draft Development, and Final Product Completion. The visualization of illustrations, fonts, colors, and music featured in this product have an Indische nuance, making it easier for tourists to learn and foster an aesthetic experience like going back in time.

Keywords: interactive multimedia, culture, Kampoeng Heritage Kajoetangan, education, tourists

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