Illegal Capture of Fish by Foreign State Ships from the Perspective of International Law


The Indonesian Sea has an area of 5.8 million km2, with 17,480 islands offering a coastline of 95,181 km2, with has a large and diverse fishery potential. The economic potential of fisheries offers a substantial and significant sustainable base for national development. However, there are a number of irresponsible parties who take Indonesian marine products illegally. The implementation of Act No. 45 of 2009 concerning Fisheries is a positive step and is a basis or rule in deciding legal issues related to illegal fishing. The Fisheries Law adopts several provisions of international law on maritime affairs, one of which is the 1982 United Convention on the Law of the Sea (UNCLOS) and Indonesia has ratified the UNCLOS through Act No. 17 of 1985. The government through the Ministry of Marine Affairs and Fisheries (KKP) issued several policies to prevent illegal fishing practices, including Improving Facilities and Infrastructure, Supervision of Law Enforcement in the Fisheries Sector, Establishing a Task Force to Eradicate Illegal Fishing.

Keywords: Foreign Ships, Illegal Fishing, International Law

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