The Contribution of Work Motivation and Training Towards Employee Performance at the Inland Water and Ferries Transport Polytechnic of Palembang


This study aims to determine whether work motivation and training have an influence on the employee performance at the Inland Water and Ferries Transport Polytechnic of Palembang. The population of this study were 146 employees from Inland water and ferries transport Polytechnic of Palembang. The research sample consisted of 60 employees from Inland water and ferries transport Polytechnic of Palembang. The method used is the descriptive analysis techniques and multiple linear regression. From the analysis test results show that, 1) There is a positive effect of work motivation on employee performance. This means that the higher of the employeework motivation, the employee performance at the Inland water and ferries transport Polytechnic of Palembangwill increase; 2) There is a positive effect of training on employee performance, where the more employees are given training, it can improve employee performance at the Inland water and ferries transport Polytechnic of Palembang; 3) There is a positive effect of work motivation and training on the employee performance of the Inland water and ferries transport Polytechnic of Palembang. Thus work motivation and training can affect employee performance, where work motivation and training can affect employee performance with a contribution of 83.9% while the remaining 16.1% is influenced by other factors that were not examined in this study.

Keywords: Work Motivation, Training, Employee Performance

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