The Court of Shipping System For Ship Accident


Indonesia, which is known as an archipelago, has a sea area two times larger than its land area. This renders shipping a vital factor in for national unity, defense and security, politics, social, culture, and the economic and trade sectors. However, until now the management, empowerment and utilization of waters by the state have not been optimal for the welfare of the people. The Shipping Court is an administrative quasi-judicial body (Quasi Rechtspraak) with the task of adjudicating cases or violations of shipping safety submitted by the Directorate General of Sea Transportation. The Shipping Court is only entitled to issue sanctions that are administrative in nature and in the form of provisions (beschiking), therefore the authority of the Shipping Court only applies to certain parties (skippers, ship crews, ship entrepreneurs and parties involved in sea shipping). However, a decision issued by the Shipping Court as an administrative moot court can be used as initial evidence for an investigator if an indication of a criminal act is found.

Keywords: Court System, Shipping Court, Ship

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