The Efforts to Improve the Traffic Pattern Settings for the Zonation System at Teluk Bungus Ferries Port


Teluk Bungus Ferries Port, located in West Sumatra, does not have a history of optimal functionality. This is due to the lack of a proper the zoning system. Currently, people can enter and exit the dock area at will, and local residents’ likestock similarly violate established regulatroy standards. Moreover, a number of inefficiencies exist – for example foot passengers and vehicles purchase ferry tickets from the same place, requiring vehicle drivers to leave their vehicles to purchase tickets – resulting in lengthy delays. This study evaluates the port and considers methods by which it could better confirm to governmenrt regulations and create a transportation system that is safe, comfortable and orderly.

Keywords: Efforts, Traffic Pattern, Zonation System

[1] Abu Bakar, Iskandar. (2010). Ferry Transportation.Jakarta: Direktorat Jenderal Perhubungan Darat

[2] Nasution,Drs. Muhammad Nur. (2008). Transportation Management.Jakarta: Ghalia Indonesia

[3] Triatmodjo, Bambang. (2010). Port Planning.Yogyakarta: Beta Offset

[4] Government Regulation Number 61 of 2009 jo. 64 of 2015 concerning Ports.

[5] Regulation of the Minister of Transportation Number 29 of 2016 concerning the Sterilization of Ferry Ports.

[6] Directorate General of Land Transportation Number SK.242 / HK.104 / DRJD / 2010 concerning Technical Guidelines for Ferry Traffic Management.