The Importance of Online Transportation Effectiveness for Business Resistance Strategies During the Covid-19 Pandemic


The stress on remote working during the Covid-19 pandemic, to prevent the spread of the disease, has contributed to global economic uncertainty during 2020, and this has detrimentally impacted micro, small and medium enterprises (MSMEs) to a significant extent. This has an impact on economic instability and one of those affected is MSMEs. For this reason, a survival strategy is needed to enable MSMEs to survive. One potential option is to collaborate with online transport services. This study combines qualitative research methods with exploratory steps with participatory observation techniques. Using UKMK and Grab Food as a case study, this article proposes that MSMEs look to involve themselves in e-commerce, focusing on digital marketing and collaboration opportunities to establish and optimize customer relationships.

Keywords: Online Transportation, Grab Food, Covid-19

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