Increased Safety for the Community when Using Ferries Transportation


Ferries transportation is transportation that can connect one area to area two, or we can call it a bridge. As a bridge whose function is to connect, of course many people will take advantage of ferries transportation. Due to the large number of people who use ferries transportation optimally, the needs of the users must take precedence. Virtue for Society is a factor of Safety and Comfort. Activities in optimizing community safety are carried out by means of research looking for data from one or more existing data, there is an analysis of the data obtained. In an effort to find solutions to existing problems, research is carried out that is looking for related data and comparing it with cases that have occurred.

Keywords: Safety, Ferries, Transportation

[1] Act No. 17 of 2008 Concerning of Shipping.

[2] PM 39 of 2016 Concerning Ship Loading and Loading Lines.

[3] PM No. 25 of 2015 Concerning the Safety Standard of River, Lake Transport and Travel Transportation.

[4] Regulation of The Minister of Transportation of The Republic of Indonesia Number Pm 104 of 2017 Concerning Ferries Transportation.

[5] Regulation of The Minister of Transportation of The Republic of Indonesia Number Pm 40 of 2019 Concerning Sea’s Health Examination, Safety Supporting Personnel, And Shipping Environment.

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