Sea Transportation Services for Panjang Island


The problem of sea transportation on Pulau Panjang, Batam City, is that it is inadequate for marine transportation owing to the lack of safety buoys, excessive passenger loads, and the absence of passenger safety insurance. The purpose of this study is to assess the marine transportation services in Pulau Panjang and their adherence to the framework of governance, and to determine the characteristics of good governance in sea transportation services. This type of qualitative research is descriptive, and anlaysed using qualitative techniques (data reduction analysis techniques, data presentation, and drawing conclusions (verification). There were nine research informants and one person as the key informant. The theory used in this study was the theory of good governance, namely the public government and the private sector. The results of this study indicate that sea transportation services on Panjang Island needs improving and will benefit from the involvement of three key stakeholders: the government (in the form of the Department of Transportation and the Education Office); the owner of the ferries; and the people of Panjang Island as passengers. When viewed from the principle of good governance, the responsiveness of the government already exists but is not sustainable and there is no supervision from the government and community participation is still very low so that their aspirations are not conveyed to the government and the means of transportation owned by the private sector are also not effective and efficient for used as a means of public transportation.

Keywords: Public, Service, Transportation

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