Potential for Transport in Asia Pacific Region


Currently, the movement of goods between islands is mostly carried out using containers. This is because containers are more efficient and effective, and provide a guarantee of safety for the goods being transported. This advantage needs to be fostered with a planned transportation system to facilitate further efficiencies. The positive effects of this would include shippers receiving lower tariffs, and shipping lines getting guaranteed availability of goods. Tarakan Port, currently under the management of PT Pelindo IV, continues to improve as a port for cargo consolidation, especially in dealing with the Asia Pacific region. This study evaluates the improvement already displayed by the port administrators, collecting data through observations, opinions, and documentation which is then analyzed using a quantitative approach using the IPA (Importance Performance Analysis) method. The results are juxtaposed with the development of port operational performance data to see the conditions expected for the port to be able to provide services efficiently and effectively. The results of the analysis and evaluation show that there are still gaps that need to be corrected, especially in the aspects of facilities, infrastructure and human resources. Addressing these issues will increase the regional competitivity of the port and reduce logistics costs.

Keywords: Cargo Consolidation, Competition, Ports

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