Policies Conducted to Support Maritime Safety and Security in Sea Transportation Systems


Transportation in the era of globalization vital. Public transportation generally includes trains and buses, but also airline services, ferry ports, and taxis. The existence of good public transportation greatly affects the economy of a region or region. The success of economic growth in a country cannot be separated from government interference in an effort to create public transportation that is comfortable, safe, clean, and well ordered. Sea transportation in Indonesia has not been optimally developed, but has significant potential. Therefore, safety and security are key factors that must be considered as a basis and benchmark for decision makers. The safety and security system of marine transportation in Indonesia is not yet running optimally, accidents still often occur both due to natural and human factors. The main cause of marine accidents is due to the ferries exceeding their loading capacities. Government policies in the maritime sector, both the fishing industry and the shipping industry have not been consistently implemented in accordance with the prevailing laws.

Keywords: Policy, Safety, Security, Maritime, Sea Transportation

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