The Safety of Sea Ferry Transportation and Anticipation of Ship Accidents in Merak-Bakauheni


The Merak-Bakauheni Ferry Port is a connecting route between Java and Sumatra. With its role as a driver of economic growth between islands, it is hoped that the smooth movement of passengers and goods can take place effectively and efficiently. Research on the ferries at the Merak-Bakauheni route is carried out to analyse the movement of people and goods based on the time of service, the number of ferry boats, and the number of docks, so that changes can be implemented to ensure the ferry service is fast, precise, safe, and comfortable. Public transportation in the current era is a very important necessity for every community in supporting all activities and daily routines, PT. ASDP Indonesia Ferry Persero as a ferry operator plays an important role in organizing proper public transportation in our country. The main problem identified by this research is the absence of a safety standard for sea ferries transportation. The expected result with this research is to be able to take inventory of safety standards and to anticipate the extent of safety on the ferry so that recommendations can be formulated to prevent accidents in the future.

Keywords: Ferry, Safety, Sea Ferries

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