Sea Transportation System Policy


The government policy regarding sea tolls is to navigate goods transportation, guarantee the availability of goods, reduce price disparities, and ensure the continuity of goods transportation services to underdeveloped, remote, and border areas. Maritime transportation development policies are directed at increasing the role of the national shipping fleet, both domestic and export-import by applying the cabotage principle; eliminating illegal levies at ports through improved coordination for all agencies related to the loading and unloading process and meeting international shipping standards and the implementation of International Ship and Port Security; restructuring the shipping legislation and its implementation, as well as institutions in the marine transportation sub-sector in order to create conditions that are capable of attracting private interest in the development of marine transportation infrastructure. Sea transportation policy is defined as the lifeblood of increasing national development for the smooth flow of people, goods and information. This policy supports the optimal allocation of economic resources, so that sea transportation services are fairly evenly available and affordable for the people’s purchasing power.

Keywords: policy, sea transportation system, national development

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