Low Shipping Safety Management in Indonesian Archipelagic Sea (ALKI)


The Indonesian Archipelagic Sea (ALKI) is a sea channel. ALKI II and III are routes that are busy by ships so that they have a positive impact on the growth of ship traffic in KTI. However, this has not been accompanied by an optimal safety system, especially due to the unpreparedness of the operators and regulators. This study uses quantitative analysis methods to assess the application of safety management through respondents’ opinions. The results of the study indicate that shipping safety arrangements still require improvement, in particular strengthening the ability of ship crews to handle actions at sea, understanding of safety management for owners and operators, and more intensive supervision of personnel. However, the government has made efforts to synergize national laws and regulations related to shipping safety to improve safety management in ALKI 2 and 3.

Keywords: Shipping, Safety Management, Archipelagic Sea Lanes

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