Study of Water Transportation Development Prospects Along Mamberamo River


The Mamberamo River with a flow length of 670 meters divides into 2 administrative areas of the Mamberamo Regency, and passes through 7 of the 8 Districts. This caused it to become the main transportation route for the 20 villages located along the river. Mamberamo River has a Groove Depth Range between 10 S/D 40 Meters, and Varied Flow Width of 50 to 600 Meters The maximum current speed reaches> 1.2 m/s, with a maximum possible speed of 1.31 m/s. The existing community activities are very dependent on boats passing by on the river, representing the only mode of transportation available. The aim of this study is to consider the development of a river transportation network along the Mamberamo River which is integrated with the Regional Spatial Plan. This study uses a technical approach to consider the problems of transportation mode needs, the assessment of marine conditions, the population’s socio-economic factors, the level of accessibility and demand, and other supporting factors. This study aims to identify the trends in demand and the availability of sea transportation services, and formulate various indicators of development and development trends based on supply and demand analysis, service levels and shipping service scale (local, regional, international). The results of this study are in the form of policy strategies.

Keywords: Transportation, River, Water

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