Management Regulation of Indonesia’s Coastal and Sea Areas


The scope of Act No. 27 of 2007 concerning PWP-PK includes the meeting area between water and land, inland covering the administrative area of the sub-district, and as far as 12 nautical miles measured from the coastline towards the open sea and/or to direction of archipelagic waters. The determination of the boundaries of coastal and marine areas cannot be equated between the provisions in Act No. 27 of 2007 concerning PWP-PK with UNCLOS 1982. Special handling in coastal and marine areas includes aspects of integration and institutional authority, so that the resources contained in the area this can be a superior product contributing to the development of the Indonesian nation in the future. In accordance with the principles of integrated coastal management, as regulated in Article 4 of Act No. 27 of 2007 concerning PWP-PK, coastal area management in Indonesia involves many sectors and natural resources, both living and non-living, and implementation requires collaboration between the Government and Regional Governments.

Keywords: Territory, Law, Sea

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