Implementation of State Jurisdiction and Handling of Taxation of Vessels in Indonesian Sea Waters


The problem of ship hijacking is a persistent risk near Indonesia. Even though the pirates ships are banned, there is no law in Indonesia under which they may be prosecuted in international waters, however they can be prosecuted when sailing in Indonesian waters. The implementation of the principle of universal jurisdiction regarding the eradication of marine piracy crimes in Indonesia is contained in Article 4 of the Criminal Code. In the case of the Sinar Kudus ship, Indonesia did not use its jurisdiction as the safety of the crew was prioritized. Preventive measures taken by the government in protecting Indonesian-flagged ships in territorial waters include coordinatination with other countries to provide maritime protection and security in their respective territories, working with the agencies involved in maintaining maritime security, and providing all documents and ship components in accordance with the SOLAS Convention. In addition, in preventing armed robbery in the territorial waters of Indonesia, the Philippines and Malaysia have conducted coordinated patrols in their respective territories or jurisdictions.

Keywords: Jurisdiction; Ship; Indonesian Sea

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