Museum As Information and Communicative Educational Institution


This article discusses new functions of museums and considers the role of a school museum as an information and communication space within an educational institution. The author presents a variety of genres of school museums and examines their communicative potential in the context of the culture of participation. It is important to note that a range of pedagogical challenges aimed at developing polycode texts in the museum space includes the students’ participation in the creation of a virtual museum. New forms of school museums (news Museum, mini-city Museum) and activities (art residence) are proposed. The activity of school Museum is viewed through the prism of informal education. Special attention is paid to using an interactive technology as an effective learning tool. The creation of a virtual school Museum acts as a new learning tool. Therefore, the author concludes that a school museum and its operation need examining from the perspective of informal education.

Keywords: school museum; information and communication space; educational institution, polycode text; virtual museum; informal education

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