Creativity As a Way to New Literacy Realization


This article is a synthetic study of creativity, based on research in the field of psychological, pedagogical and aesthetic scientific works. The urgency of the concept of ”creativity” is reflected upon, since it is different from the concept of ”creativeness” in that there is a shift of the public interest from the spontaneous and self appraised self-expression to the commercially determined and purposeful performance of orders. We understand creativity as a property of every person, this property can be improved by everybody. Creativity is not so much a special talent, as the possession of a set  of operations that allow the individual to recombine knowledge. Creativity becomes  a universal competence, a new literacy because it involves the mastering of thinking mechanisms as technical tools. In this regard, creativity refers to a new product which is neither a work of art, nor scientific theory, nor religious dogma. The article includes analysis of a conflict situation, which took place on the Biennale in Shiryaevo. The source of the conflict lay in the differing understandings of artistic jobs and creative jobs by artists and curators. The case was documented and presented at the exhibition “Local” in the Center of Contemporary Art (Yekaterinburg), dated April-May 2019.

Keywords: creativeness, creativity, post-literacy, post-modernism, creative class

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