Visualization and Digitalization: Between Tradition and Innovation in Modern Education


This article considers visualization as a special way in which the individual represents information in the conditions of post-literacy and actualizes technological means from the digital environment. Along with the traditional understanding of literacy (visual, media and information), this study suggests that a new one should be developed dealing with the creation of texts of various modalities.  In connection with this, tasks aimed at developing critical thinking skills focused on understanding and comprehending the mechanisms and content of the conveyed information in actual socio-cultural practices are gaining particular relevance. When combining tradition and innovation in education, visualization is becoming an increasingly common practice teaching method. Media literacy as a set of competencies which allow a person to acquire information, create high-quality content and distribute it in various forms using modern technologies, becoming a part of a large public dialogue. The possibility of representation of data, both visual and visualized, with the help of technologies contributes not only to the inclusion of the student in the media context of the present but also to the professional formation of his personality.

Keywords: visualization; digitalization; visual literacy; information literacy; media literacy; traditions and innovations in education

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