The Meaning of Love and Love Orientation of Widows Based on Erich from Perspective (A Study at St. Petrus Paulus Church, Wlingi, East Java, Indonesia)


This study aims to explore the meaning of love and love orientation of Catholic widows based on Erich Fromm’s theory. The research model used qualitative research with descriptive phenomenology, based on interviews among four widow members of St Peter Paulus church. This interview data was analysed using thematic analysis techniques. The results showed the participants interpreted love as an effort to give what they have. Participant’s love orientation tends to be stronger towards children and God. Meanwhile, other orientations were also found namely grandchildren, nieces, neighbours, deceased spouses, friends and themselves. Productive love is experienced primarily in relationships with children, God, and people in their extended social spheres. Relationships with partners and themselves become the least dominant relationships in the life of a widow and less interpreted with productive love. Based on the results of this study it is advisable to the church to add a counselling for their member who has loss their partner (spouse) so that they regain a sense of self-worth.

Keywords: meaning, orientation, love, Erich Fromm, phenomenological, widow, Santo Petrus Paulus Church Wlingi.

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